Tuesday, June 8, 2010

"Hover over me"

music & lyrics by Steve Lansingh, performed by Amanda Caldwell

(if the embedded version won't play, you can download the song here)

the surf laps my feet
and the sunset it steals all the light
I stand as a speck
before infinite waves with my plight

'cause once long ago
in the black of the night
your spirit roamed 'tween sky and sea
I'm needing to find you
to feel a reminder
of your pow'r and your majesty

so hover over me
let me feel the touch of God who made me
come brood over my soul
as it churns like the sea
hover over me
come brood over my soul
as it churns like the sea
hover over me

you made ev'ry creature
that swims beneath glassy black waves
and in the dark sky
the gulls soar on the wings that you gave

it pleased you to make
ev'ry being that wakes
that scampers and swims and takes flight
where your spirit moved
it brought forth new life
so grant me that presence tonight

hover over me
let me feel the love of God who made me
come brood over my soul
as it churns like the sea
hover over me
come brood over my soul
as it churns like the sea
hover over me

your voice called out
into the dark
and spoke a word of light
the void peeled back
the sun was born
and swaddled us in white

hover over me
let me feel the breath of God who made me
speak a word to my soul
as it churns like the sea
hover over me
you who spoke into dark
and called forth the first light
hover over me

come brood over my soul
as it churns like the sea
hover over me


  1. Your song is so beautiful, Steve! I love the imagery. I can tell you live near a beach.

  2. What a beautiful song! You two are amazing. I loved everything about it. Steve -- amazing words........Amanda --- gorgeous voice!

  3. You guys make a great team! Love the song, Steve, and the idea of being brooded and hovered over by the God of the universe. And Amanda's voice is so lilting and haunting--beautiful!

  4. Thanks so much for this, Steve (and Amanda) what a wonderful way to start the day. Love how you captured the feeling of one's soul in turmoil and seeking the cover of God.
