"Pbbbbbbbbbbbb, pbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb," I make the noise of the car engine and race it along. Then I add, "His car must run on farts."
"No pooted! No pooted!" he retorts.
* * *
"Oh, no, the bus rolled over! Weee-ooh weee-ooh! Mr. Bus Driver, were you drinking again? Yes, officer. Sorry, officer."
* * *
"Here's Evel Knievel in the brown truck, and he's going to jump all the other cars! Ker-chunck! He's airborne, he's going to make it! He ... he ... no, he smashes into the last car!"
He has no idea what to make of this. Apparently I know how to amuse only myself with trucks.
It still amuses me, too!